Well im going to show you how to make your keylogger/Stub undetectable from Antivirus
STEP , Follow me exackly!
What you will need: "Hex Workshop"
"Crypto Obfuscator for .NET"
Step 1: Open Crypto Obfuscator.
Step 2: Click on Continue Evalution.
Step 3: Click on Assemplies then "Add Assamplies" and select your Keylogger.
Step 4: Press Obfuscate.
Step 5: If its comes up an error there its saying something about Sn.exe then locate your sn.exe in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bin\sn.exe and select it.
Now close Obfuscator And open your Obfuscated keylogger that you just created [Open it Where you saved it].
Step 6: Open Hex Workshop.
Step 7: Click on file and open file and select your obfuscated Keylogg.
Step 8: Press on CTRL + F
Step 9: On type select "Text String" On Value take away the text where it says Document and type in "document" with little d and press ENTER.
Step 10: It will come up and Black marked text and on the right of the text mark from C:// To dbb And take that text away. Then Click on save and when it comes up a box there it says if you wanna save the pogram as backup to click "Yes" And exit Hex Workshop .And Then you have your Keylogger fully undetectable, The keylogger that you obfuscated is your new undetectable keylogger.
http://www.virustotal.com/ This site you can check for virus and stuff, Check if your keylogger is undetectable there.
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